
Sunday 11 March 2012

Hope you like fruit ....we are off to the BIG APPLE!!

 Hi there. This is the last leg of our journey so close up that suitcase one more time, strap the bag on your back and lets head off to the good ol' U S of A. More specifically New York. The reason for this is its known round the world for its huge apartment blocks and skyscrapers. So I thought if you were in an apartment or flat then here are some ideas to utilises the space and get he most out of the view you have.

Below are some ideas to use natural light a. Keep the colour scheme to a minimum such as white, cream  or browns are a good idea. Think about symmetry especially by a window or a feature wall. Keep the lines simple and clean. Glass centre tables can lighten up a room and show/ reflect more light. The modern theme is key here with modern art on the wall, new, sharp designs for your sofa and a few lamps round the room. Also add maybe a piece or two of something different for the room. For example a wall dedicated to a library style book case or an interesting centre light. You can have fun thinking of some new ideas and new conversation starters. I will leave it up to you........

For you guys out there if you have a spare room and need something to do with it. Why not turn it into the MANCAVE!!!!!
This is the place where you can go chill out, watch films or just have mates round.Man caves can be equipped with accessories such as refrigerators, vending machines, giant TVs, musical instruments including gear such as microphone stands stands and amplifiers, pool tables and entertainment centres. A man cave may also be fitted out with a bar and sports memorabilia such as trophies, vintage sports clothing or art or photographs from a specific sporting event.

 Of course guys you can only have a Mancave if you ask your girlfriend or wife first. You really must get their permission first. :) :) 

Enjoy your day in the Big Apple take in the sights and room design. Bring them back with you and we will all return to the UK soon.
Till then speak to you soon

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